- Bring you a recipe that is detailed and fully video recorded.
- Develop recipes that are easy, quick and most importantly affordable (we're all broke, remember?)
- Clearly list all ingredients (and try to keep it under 5)
- Offer Vegetarian recipe options as often as possible. Indicated by (V) - this dish is vegetarian (V+) - this dish could be vegetarian.
- You will never see us using any fancy brands or equipment, we have a small kitchen that is shaped like half of a triangle, at the 45 degree angle corner.
We will do our best to cater to any requests or ideas that you may have. If you have any questions about any of the recipes you see here, please feel free to ask. If you would like to submit a recipe, please contact us with your recipe and we will record an episode for it as soon as possible, and return credit back to you and/or your blog.